
How to download a toontrack product manager
How to download a toontrack product manager

how to download a toontrack product manager

The file name I have is "ezdrummer.dll and this is its location.

how to download a toontrack product manager

It was the only way I could get it registered and download the updates. Yes, I had to download the Product Manager. That way you can douible check that the location you entered was right. Have you tried downloading and using the Toontrack Product Manager application? It is the way all TT products are installed and authorized these days, plus it has a handy button within the EZD section that shows you where the plugin is installed. From memory, I think you will have to at the very least do a clear/rescan in reapers vst locations window, but also back then EZD used to show up as something like Drumkit from Hell.dll or DFH.dll in Reapers FX selection window.

How to download a toontrack product manager